Sunday, November 18, 2012

I've Got the Music In Me

A New Calling

I was called today to be the ward music director/chairman. This essentially means that I select and lead the congregational hymns in Sacrament Meeting every Sunday. I also work with the ward choir director and plan for special musical numbers as needed.

(I asked my friend today if she would sing in a trio in a few weeks. She turned me down flat. Hardly an auspicious start. Don't worry, though. I will guilt her into it eventually.)

I was the choir director in my singles ward in Lindon for about 7 years. I really loved that calling. I'm excited to be working with music again. It will give me a chance to get to know a lot of different people in the ward that I normally wouldn't have the chance to work with. It will also force me to sing and play the piano more - talents of mine which have been sadly neglected in recent years.

My biggest concern at the moment (sadly) about all of this is that if I am in front of the congregation every Sunday leading the music, I'm gonna need more than two outfits.
Anyone up for a shopping trip?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I saw Jeanette and Hayden today.
Hayden remembered me and let me hold her and hug her and carry her around.
This is remarkable considering that Hayden is very shy 
and will acknowledge almost no one but Mom and Dad.
While we were walking down the hall, I asked her if I could keep her and she said "Yes!"
Mom wasn't too pleased.
Kids have never really taken to me, but for some inexplicable reason this child loves me.

June 2012 - Ballerina Skirt and Future Supermodel

 Already the baby girl I fell in love with is turning into a long-legged child. 
I can't believe how much she has grown since I saw her in June.
I can't wait to see her baby brother Connor.
I get to babysit them this Friday night while Mom and Dad are out on a date. 
So excited!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Laurels, Maids, and Busy Bees

I don't have a church calling right now. It feels very strange.

Last week we were released from our callings in the Stake Young Women presidency. (We meaning Pam Naugle, Shauna DeBuck, myself, and Taffy Lovell.) What a fun experience that was, to serve and work with the young women in the Timpanogos stake. I learned a lot about the gospel, and a lot about myself.

In the four years that we were together (along with amazing Amy Cobbley who is currently the YW president in her ward), we planned 2 stake summer girls camps, 4 winter camps, 1 pioneer trek. We traveled more than 2000 miles while visiting ward summer girls camps. We attended close to 60 Young Women in Excellence and New Beginnings programs. We handed out dozens of temples to young women and leaders that earned a YW medallion. We presented gold ties to over a dozen men who completed the Virtue value project. We shared our testimonies a hundred times. We cried a lot and laughed even more.

Stick close to the Savior girls. Remember who you are. Don't let anyone convince you that anything in the world will bring you more happiness than living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior.  I know that we can receive guidance and personal revelation through prayer and scripture study. I know that by living the values we learn and teach in the Young Women program, we will be strengthened and protected.

They're not old-fashioned. They were fashioned just for us.